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Last login: 9 years ago
Skinner since: 9 years ago
Country/Area: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Gender: Male
Age: 30

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Relation: Single
Mobile Model: symphony w32
Mobile Operator: Rakib khan
Occupation: students, Dhaka international university
Companies: Dhaka FM90, 4
Schools: charshahi high school
I Like: balo bondhu shata mista, valobasta, abon steady korta, aro onik kicu, Like kore
I Hate: smoking, hiroin, pinsedil, abon nasa jatio sob kiso
Favorite Music: bangla, hinde, English
Favorite Movies: krrish, 3, Dhoom, 2, Raone, ETC
Favorite Books: ufornes, abon Dictionary, ETC
Favorite Celebrities: RJ Rakib khan, kobi, homaen Ahmad
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RJ Rakib: I am Honesty boy.. and intelligence, @ Amer kisu ossik bebron@1/smart, 2/Lovely3/Beautiful, 4/Honesty5/Intelligent, 6/Sweet7/Nomro, 8/Vodro9/$hahosi, 10/$hanto.

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8 years ago

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