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8 years ago

FANTASTIC FOUR OFFICIAL TRAILER - FANTASTIC FOUR FULL MOVIE - FANTASTIC FOUR FULL MOVIE - FANTASTIC FOUR - FANTASTIC FOUR FILMS - The well-known actor and the honored playwright Bernard Goltsman, the famous author of the sensational work "Uriel Akosta" was the director of troupe … The reporter again interrupted him: - I apologize, Mr. Shvalb, but "Uriel Akosta's" author was not Goltsman, but Karl Gutskov. But Nisl Shvalb not from those who is lost. It was at once.
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8 years ago
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So Goltsman as the partner and the kind friend advises it. But the got excited Izak Shvalb does not spare also the partner. - Away, dead dog, old bachelor! Who needs your councils? The banker Izak Shvalb gets excited, shuffles cards, looks the red inflamed eyes in a plate and sees that the cash desk thaws any minute.
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10 years ago

أين الخلل !؟
مركز تحميل الصور
خبـر ويتلــووه خبـر
....بشر وينهش من بشر
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مأسآاتهم طيف تمـر
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صبحآا يأن من آلجرآاح
.... وآلليل أثقله آلنــــوآاح
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صآاحت بعرض مستبآاح
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آلروح يخنقهآا آلحصآار
.... وتشوهت دنيآا آلصغآار
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وآلحر يمضي في صغآار
....وآلمـووت فيهم لم يـزل
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جسد ويغرق في سبآات
....إن فـآاق أنهكه الشتـآات
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فحيآاته دومـآا ممآات
....جسد يبآاهي بآلشلل
هذآ آلخلل !.
مركز تحميل الصور

11 years ago

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