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safo925 Guestbook

ElizaZarkau  (10 years ago)
I want to be near you. Now and for ever.
Our two ways roads will meet.
You represent, I once in seven
I am with things on your threshold.
I want to be near you. Today and very.
On tea and a breakfast, the general dawn.
You represent, even fierce winter
Once will turn into our summer.
I want to be near you. Through years and centuries.
Forever. We will pull up all trees!
You represent: after all my hand
In yours – it is more important than any conversations.
I want to be near you. Childly and always.
At any time, any bad weather.
You represent, any trouble
Won't separate us if it is necessary for it.
ElizaZarkau  (10 years ago)
I want you very much... To tears... to a jimjams...
To the bitten lips... to melancholy whining from pain...
But I live as a vein, I smile to passersby,
Also I dream... it is unrealizable... it is simple to touch a hand.
I want you so as if to life remained - week.
As if some days... and already to be in time nothing...
I didn't go crazy, simply nerves long ago on a limit...
It is easier to flash - and in ashes... than long, painfully to smolder.
I want you... I on you it is impossible I miss...
And the melancholy from within corrodes stronger any acid.
Every evening in a dream I to you appoint appointments,
In fifteen minutes prior to dawn, at the fifth star...
Come, to both of us... this meeting is necessary to both! .
Give me chance to tell you that there is no force to hide...
I want you very much! . Time doesn't treat for it.
Only I and want to forget nothing...
ElizaZarkau  (10 years ago)
I don't harbor malice against you, Saf...
ElizaZarkau  (10 years ago)
What means to grieve for you? Approximately this combination of thoughtfulness, pensiveness, music, gratitude that I feel it, pleasures, because that you exist, and heat waves around heart. Thank you for that you are. And that I can be …
ElizaZarkau  (10 years ago)
Difficulties in us and if not to overcome them, shouldn't have been begun....
ElizaZarkau  (10 years ago)
To feel — permission isn't necessary. And the distance too doesn't matter. The reason is necessary only not to do fetters of the feelings … Only eyes to look with a smile in the past and with belief in the future … And heart to embrace at distance...
ElizaZarkau  (10 years ago)
If you don't know that you test to the person — close eyes and present: it isn't present. Anywhere. Wasn't and won't be. Then everything becomes clear.
ElizaZarkau  (10 years ago)
Sometimes so painfully, - — that there are no forces neither to complain, nor to hate, to shout------— Simply silently drawing conclusions, you understand-----— that a vein having closed eyes...
ElizaZarkau  (10 years ago)
The best way not to be disappointed - from anybody not to wait for anything.
ElizaZarkau  (10 years ago)
Sometimes the closest people in a glass to me pour poison........ and I see..... I know..... and all the same to the bottom I finish drinking.

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