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Vipina44 Guestbook

shaa0007  (12 years ago)
۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞۩۩۞۩۞۩۩۞۩ ▀██▀─▄███▄─▀██─██▀██▀▀█
▄██▄▄█▀▀▀─────▀──▄██▄▄█ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
zizo202  (12 years ago)

abijith121  (12 years ago)
abijith121  (12 years ago)
How r u?
shaa0007  (12 years ago)
Ente pranayam ninnil theerunnu nee arinjaalum......
illennu nadichalum.....
Athu nee nirasichaalum........
shaa0007  (12 years ago)
Smile is the electricity & Life is a battery Whenever
u smile the battery gets charged & A beautiful day is activated So Keep smiling.... god morng
shaa0007  (12 years ago)
Do you know how it feels to love
someone who doesnt
love you ?
. .
Its like waiting for a boat at the airport

shaa0007  (12 years ago)
Love puts the fun in together,
The sad in apart,
The hope in tomorrow,
The joy in the heart.

shaa0007  (12 years ago)
Never leave the one you
love for the one you like
because the one you like will one day leave you for the one
they love -

Shajahan75  (12 years ago)
Vipina endha prgm?

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