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safo925 Guestbook

JMoooooD  (10 years ago)

حب التفاؤل ... و حب لغيرك الخير
وأن صارت الناس ظلماء خلك النور

من يشعر ..... بقيمة أنسانيّته غير
من شاف بينه ....و بين المقبرة سور !

ElizaZarkau  (10 years ago)

Risk. Tell the truth. Meet somebody who doesn't suit you. Say no. Spend all money. Get acquainted with somebody. Be spontaneous. Make a declaration of love. Sing in all throat. Laugh at stupid jokes. Cry. Apologize. Tell somebody about on how many he is dear to you. Admit to those whom you hate. Laugh to belly-ache. Lead full life. Travel. Be not sorry about anything.
ElizaZarkau  (10 years ago)

Morning will come anyway – even if you will forget to set an alarm clock!
"Good morning" - two simple words are heard every day by the person.
Let this morning become really kind, joyful, gentle, tender, wonderful, stunning, fine and cheerful!
ElizaZarkau  (10 years ago)

Be not afraid to give: time, care, attention. You from it don't become less. Be scattered on thousands asterisks that in each heart to switch on light!
Good night, friends!
ElizaZarkau  (10 years ago)
Sometime you will understand that there are people who never betray, but for this purpose it is necessary to pass through many treacheries. Sometime you will understand that gloss – anything in comparison with internal beauty. Because all that outside is to the first rain. Sometime you will understand that many formulas and aphorisms which you picked up in world around – empty, let and beautiful, mere verbiages – no more than that. Only that truth which you reached are important. Sometime you will understand that kindness, tenderness, caress and care is a manifestation of internal force, instead of weakness.
blondy26  (10 years ago)
ohh hello there safo..i'm doing great..
How about you?where have you been?hope things are going well.take care alright?
ElizaZarkau  (10 years ago)

Watch kind movies, listen to cheerful music, drink tea, walk, get enough sleep also the most important, believe that everything at you will turn out and then everything will be good! Good day and great mood, friends!
ElizaZarkau  (10 years ago)

Appreciate life! Appreciate that is today! Don't spend time for things which your attention doesn't stand. Always say that you feel, and do, that you think...
ElizaZarkau  (10 years ago)

Behind all daily vanity, behind this vital routine we forget about importance of warm words. After all as it is pleasant to wake up and hear "good morning", and to fall asleep with a wish "good night". And it is even more pleasant when to you wish good day and not simply wish, and tell warm words which warm our souls and hearts for the whole day... We will present a smile to people around and our day will be kind and full of happy minutes!
ElizaZarkau  (10 years ago)

Let each one of you ... in these magical winter days ... people ... will be warm ... HANDS ... HEART ... SOUL ...

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