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Cutefrend4u Guestbook

Fahim133  (11 years ago)

Open ur eyes so the sun can rise

Flowers can blossom
birds can sing

Because all r waiting to see ur beautiful smile.

Good Morning

Have Nice Day

Good MorningMore Orkut Scraps, Graphics - GoodLightscraps.com
Fahim133  (11 years ago)

Fresh flowers are waiting to disturb u

Hot coffe waiting to taste ur lips

Sun, birds, cool air - all r looking
at ur window to say u

Good Morning

Have Nice Day

Good MorningMore Orkut Scraps, Graphics - GoodLightscraps.com
Fahim133  (11 years ago)

'**...Ustad-e Ishq Such Kaha Tu Ne Boht Nalaiq Hun Main...**.

**...Mudat Se Ik Shaks Ko Manana Nahi Aya...**

Good Evening
Fahim133  (11 years ago)

- The past is a history,

- The future is a mystery,

- Today is a gift,

- That’s why we call it the Present!!

- Have a nice day.

Fahim133  (11 years ago)

Fahim133  (11 years ago)

Only your real friends will tell you when your face
is dirty.

Fahim133  (11 years ago)

A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of
the world walks out.

Fahim133  (11 years ago)
123Friendster.com - More Beautiful Comments

123Friendster.com - More Beautiful Comments

123Friendster.com - More Beautiful Comments

Fahim133  (11 years ago)

People Are Strange:
If You Praise Someone They Think You Must
Your Own Mean In This
If You Don't Praise They Call You Jealous
If You Do Extra Care For Someone They Think That
You Love Them
If You Show You Don't Care They Call You
If You Regularly Text Your Friend They Call
You Sticky If you Don't Talk To Them For A Few Days
They Call You Rude
"You Can Never Make The Whole World Happy"
This Is Life......

Fahim133  (11 years ago)
The Awsome moment
When u r telling A Joke but can't finish it Because
Your laughng too hard Then friend says .

Dekh Pehly hans ley ya bol ley

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