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beluxi Guestbook

shinshigoing  (12 years ago)
oh yeah i get some money

yeah i just listen to it =D
i really like it
shinshigoing  (12 years ago)
no it's not a drama movie
it's a korean drama it's a series

the title of the korean drama i watch is " secret garden "

what do u mean what i get in ramadan ? ^^" !
shinshigoing  (12 years ago)
well nothing just watching a korean drama =)
shinshigoing  (12 years ago)
hehe well i stayed at home then we went to my grandpa =D

what about u ?
how r ur days goin =) ?
shinshigoing  (12 years ago)
it's really was great
and aleid was fun too XD
shinshigoing  (12 years ago)
it was really great and aleid is really fun XD
shinshigoing  (12 years ago)
oiiiii hehe
how r u ?
shinshigoing  (12 years ago)
well i'm ok ^^

hehe u r bust with ur work !
good luck then =D

hehe yeah ramadan will be in On Sunday or Monday
shinshigoing  (12 years ago)
heeey =D
how r u ?

it's been a long time we didn't talk =O ?
nmrh  (13 years ago)
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