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Evil and cruel !!

sunpre Guestbook

Prachi00  (12 years ago)

To live a life i need heartbeat,
2 have heartbeat i need a heart,
2 have heart i need happiness,
to have happiness i need a friend,
and 4 a friend i need U.ALWAYS

uSagi30  (12 years ago)

a friendship between two
people is like a house...
when a light bulb burns out,
you dont go and buy a new
you FIX the light bulb ....


iroshi40  (12 years ago)
good night dear
uSagi30  (12 years ago)


uSagi30  (12 years ago)
happiness s not about getting what we want....,its about appreciating what we have .....gd m0rning dear ...
uSagi30  (12 years ago)
gud evening dear .... {Image}
uSagi30  (12 years ago)
There are souls in this world which have the gift of finding joy everywhere and of leaving it behind them when they go.... .....hey remove dat HELL thing der ....
duakiyani  (12 years ago)
kr lia add apko

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