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CHANDAN4U1 Guestbook

momotalosan  (10 years ago)
ur here and there...
momotalosan  (10 years ago)
G0od evening t0o dhan...
momotalosan  (10 years ago)
Hi good evening
have a happy weekend

momotalosan  (10 years ago)
Hi good evening
have a happy weekend

momotalosan  (10 years ago)
Hi dhan... where r u n0w?
r u d0ne there...
Theprettywhiteswan  (10 years ago)
Girls get screwed.
Not that kind of screwed,what i mean is,they're always on the short end of things.
The way things work,how guys feel great,but make girls feel cheap for doing exactly what they beg for.
The way they get to play you,all the while claiming they love you and making you believe it's true.
The way it's okae to gift their heart one day,a backhand the next,to move on the apricot when the peach blushes and bruises.
These things make me believe
God's a man after all.
Lovely evening my friends
momotalosan  (10 years ago)

momotalosan  (10 years ago)
Hehehe hmmph n0thng dhan...
hbu? What u d0ing..
momotalosan  (10 years ago)
Hehehe im here na chandan ... u didnt f0und me?
i was just hiding underneath y0ur bed... hahaha
momotalosan  (10 years ago)
where r u?

Hmmph its my chance to hide fr0m you

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