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Anuj3126  (13 years ago)
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razforeverurs77  (13 years ago)
life is hard but being with you will make it easier..
abhinavsharma96  (13 years ago)
Hi pictures here!123Friendster.com - More Rain Comments123Friendster.com - More Emo Comments Comments123Friendster.com - More Emo Comments Comments123Friendster.com - More Emo Comments Comments123Friendster.com - More Enjoy Comments123Friendster.com - More Take Care Comments
heartgail  (13 years ago)
When people hurt us over and over...
Think of them like a sand paper...
They may scratch and hurt us but in the end.....
We end up polished and they end up useless...
heartgail  (13 years ago)
...to love someone doesn't mean to force a commitment... Sometimes u just have to be satisfied with whatever connection you have as long as it STAYS..
razforeverurs77  (13 years ago)
yeah ryt..
Dont make them expect anything from you if you cant really give anything..
Dont be the reason of spoiling anyone's life n her broken dreams..
Just love as no one else can...
heartgail  (13 years ago)
"our prime purpose in life is to love others... And if you can't love them...................atleast don't hurt them.." ryt??
razforeverurs77  (13 years ago)

razforeverurs77  (13 years ago)
As long As I am here you are never alone....
I promise I'll never make you feel down....
I'll be the one who will again join those pieces and make you whole....
Someone you can call completely yours...
And you are someone I can call completely MINE...
No fear when MINE is here...hehe..

heartgail  (13 years ago)
still picking up pieces of me!!!!!

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