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tarekttoty  (11 years ago)

More Hearts Comments
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More Hearts Comments

janvi18  (11 years ago)

xnirx  (11 years ago)

Laugh as much as you breath
and love as much as you live.

One of the most effective antidotes
to the stresses of life is laughing a good laugh,
and loving as much as we can while we live.

When we hear laughter,
we associate whatever situation we are in,
with happiness, at least usually.
When we just let go of our fears,
and allow ourselves to be happy,
even in the worst of times,
it can change the playing field quickly.

Choosing to love as much as we live is
like the second of the 1-2 punches
when you are trying to defeat
whatever despair lies ahead of you.
if we just devote ourselves to keeping a loving,
and positive attitude while at all possible,
we will easily be able to conquer life as we know it.

Make an effort today to keep love in your heart,
no matter what hate is thrown in your path,
and to keep laughing,
even when the world tries its hardest to steal your smile...

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SmiLinG nYt wiT LovE.
{Image} {Image} {Image}

janvi18  (11 years ago)

Good Night Sweet Dreams Dear Friend

Faizanx  (11 years ago)

Success is never permanent.
Failure is never final.
so always do not stop effort
until your victory makes a history.
Have a Good luck

boxbuc  (11 years ago)
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meedu  (11 years ago)
LOVE your Self

U are the person U have to live with

For the rest of ur Life
Make sure U treasure and love ur self





Be BETTER than u were yesterday

cuteNovy  (11 years ago)

drops4u  (11 years ago)
heerw  (11 years ago)
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