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YiNGraWrzZ Guestbook

xxFlowerOfTheMoonxx  (13 years ago)
dont tell yur mumy if ying tell on miku miku will eat yu n chew yur bones or yu can be good boy n keep miku secret shhh
xxFlowerOfTheMoonxx  (13 years ago)
waaa ying so bad boy miku eat peopl too but miku vampair
xxFlowerOfTheMoonxx  (13 years ago)
ying is good boy when ying dead miku will remember him for lovin miku kittes
xxFlowerOfTheMoonxx  (13 years ago)
owkai miku give ying 2 kittes & miku keep 2 kittes but ying must kiss & hug miku kittes
xxFlowerOfTheMoonxx  (13 years ago)
yaay miku love all kittes miku have 4 kittes , lilo & tukie & strewbrrey also cherry
xxFlowerOfTheMoonxx  (13 years ago)
cutte ying have kitty?
xxFlowerOfTheMoonxx  (13 years ago)
hehe miku hearin music now & ying?
xxFlowerOfTheMoonxx  (13 years ago)
tanks me is Miku happy to know ying
CHIKArawkzz  (13 years ago)
junying!!!! where r u?.long time no chat.imiss u xomach ying..
CHIKArawkzz  (13 years ago)
junying!!!! where r u?.long time no chat.imiss u xomach ying..

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