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Anshul52 Guestbook

333968  (12 years ago)


Take care

maruf794  (12 years ago)
sweet saying abu relationship... 'ReLatioNshiPs r thOse spL moMeNts 2geTHer, thOse laUGhs u hv 2geTHer, thOse secRets u shARed, thOse proMiseS mAdE in d heArt, thOse dayS u waiT 2 mEEt, thOse soRRy's u saiD, thOse stoLen smiLes & smaLL fightS, thOse msgS.. u jusT cNt deLEte...' gÖÖd aftErnOOn deAr frienD {Image} {Image} {Image}
maruf794  (12 years ago)
maruf794  (12 years ago)
'JusT oPEn tHAt dOOr.. JUSt tAKe mE tO iT.. WhErE tHe sUn iS goIng tO shIne.. WhErE tHe sKy iS goIng tO brIGht.. WhErE thE caNDLe iS goIng tO liGht.. WhErE wE wiLL sTAy togETher tiLL wE dyE.. I aM wiSHIng fOr tHAt moMEnt.. OncE wE oPEn tHAt dOOr aNd.. AnD tHEn wE wiLL bE sURe.. ThaT oUr FrieNDship iS rEaL.. And our lOVe Is cLEAar.. TakE mE thOUgh tHAt opENed dOOr.. AnD prOMise me that.. YoU wiLL bE mY friEnD.. UnTiL tHe eNd.. PrOMise mE tHAt tHIs dOOr.. Of frieANship YoU wiLL nOt desTroy or brOke.. PrOMisE me that wE aRe gOINg to shAre.. Our haPPINEss, saDNEss or mORe.' gUt eVeNinG dEaR anshU
TheDeViL0wNMe  (12 years ago)
maruf794  (12 years ago)
'TreAT everyoNE wiTH politeneSS, EvEN thoSE wHO aRE ruDE tO yOU, NoT becauSE thEY aRE nOT niCE, BuT bcOZ YOu aRE niCE.' swEEt mOrNing..baBLy day
maruf794  (12 years ago)
'EvEryOnE wANts tO bE tHe sUn tHAt LiGhTs uP yOUr LiFe. But I hAd raTHer bE yOUr mÖÖn, sO I cAn sHiNe oN yOu dUriNg yOUr dArKeSt hoUr.. wHEn yOUr sUn iS nOT aRouNd..' chEEr mY fRiENd. itS uR dAy.. wiShiNg tErRific tuEsdAy.. {Image} :**_::_**: {Image} ::**_:**_: tHaNx 4 rEpLyiNg...hi dada
maruf794  (12 years ago)
'beautifuL thoughT... WorrieS arE likE a birD,leT theM fLy oveR yoU..buT dO noT givE theM a chancE tO builT a nesT oN uR heaD.' somE beautifuL flowerS... tO brinG fragrancE tO youR lifE... WisH yoU a SweeT MorninG witH flowerS anD smilE.. {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} thanX 4 UR msg dada
maruf794  (12 years ago)
anshul i don understand ur word..plz explain me?
missTENSION  (12 years ago)
thanks frnd!

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