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sokhibthebadboy  (11 years ago)
missi u.
my fb. sokhib thebadboy
ravine44  (12 years ago)
makasieh aku dah nyampei indo dg selamat
wawan7911  (12 years ago)
pagi ayo bngn dah siang
wawan7911  (12 years ago)
o jd anak bogor ya,trs fotomu asli pa gk?kl iya snggh sempurna tp kl gk psng dong foto asliny
wawan7911  (12 years ago)
met mal.. Thank's add me o trnyt bs bhs indo ya
Rahul4in555  (12 years ago)



H + H = R
Rahul4in555  (12 years ago)

Stealing the Blue from the Splashing Seas...
A Tinge of Green from the Youthful Trees...
A Hint of Red from StrawBerry...
A Bit of Orange from the SunSet Hues...
With Crystal White from the Morning Dews...
I have Framed a Bright and ColourFul Wish 4 You...

~Good Morning~
Have A Fabulous Day!!

H + H = R

rajeshswc  (12 years ago)
hi gd mrng

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