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shienthara93 Guestbook

shienthara93  (10 years ago)
You left me so im going wont come here again byeeee!
shienthara93  (10 years ago)
Hi honey, i cant just do without viewing ur prfle i believe you're, hope to meet u online soon misss uuuu mwahhhh
shienthara93  (10 years ago)
How sad
mylove0015  (10 years ago)
good morning


Simple music can make you sing, A simple hug can make you feel better, Simple things can make you happy. Hope my simple Hi…!!! Will make you smile


keep smilling

mylove0015  (10 years ago)
good morning


A warm hello doesn’t come from
the lips,
It comes from the heart,
Doesn’t have to be told,
It has to be shown,
Doesn’t have to be given,
It has to be sent.
“Good Morning’


keep smilling

mylove0015  (10 years ago)
good morning


If its taking all ur strength…
if its killing your heart…
if its making you bear too much
its making you ignore everything
make sure its worth it…
Let it go…


keep smilling

mylove0015  (10 years ago)
good morning


What’s the meaning of
this is the close relationship……
in which we want to gossip……..
it’s the life ship………
b coz in life,friend’s the ship……
frinds’r bound like jip.
friendship’s the life’s success tip.


keep smilling

mylove0015  (10 years ago)
good morning


My love for you is like water,
Falling countless…
The beating of my heart,
For you is so heavy and
The feeling of being in your arm
is so
Precious and endless.


keep smilling

mylove0015  (10 years ago)


In God’s eyes, love is never
absent. In God’s heart,
forgiveness is never impossible.
In God’s embrace, no one is ever
alone or forgotten. God Bless!


keep smilling

mylove0015  (10 years ago)
good morning


Love hurts when you break up
with some one.
Hurts even more when someone
breaks up with you But love
the most when the person, you
love has no idea how you feel.


keep smilling


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