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@ john,u cant use the fact that u were hurt as an excuse to hurt someone else.. (12 years ago)

Wondering wat happenz wen two cheaterz fall in luv with eachothr..!! aw it wilb damn funny lol..!!  (12 years ago)

i want to keep only one thing in mind.... love, officially, is a bitch. (12 years ago)

@jhonbisa, remember 1 thing.. person that can control his/her heart emotion, can control God. Then, what r grls/boys! (12 years ago)

oh c'on brother... u r a nice person n i respect ur opinion. but wat do u want to say? one shud cry all the tym saying "bhuu.. bhuu.. my girlfrnd/boyfrnd left me... i can't live widout her/him... bhuu.. bhuuh" i mean fuck it bro. things that u r saying might be good to attract girls.. "oh this guy is man of morals.. wow i like this guy!!"..... but wat i m saying can save a life of a deprived lover.. just giv a thought to it brother. (12 years ago)

@jhonbissa, is it important to make gf/bf? If it is imp. then y 'ex' and if someone cheat us, it's nt mean we also should cheat. If we start cheat, then there is no difference b/w ex nd us. So if we abuse our ex, then we also eligible in getting abuse frm ownself (12 years ago)

@alien & all:- you can only hurt urself when u r heartbrokn.... so giv her/him(ur ex) a big blow...cheat ur ex bfore he/she can happy over cheating u... remember a strongest slap is when it is done silently. (12 years ago)

Funny eh.... (12 years ago)

Oh nOw i know hu'z tobby..lol.. (12 years ago)

hmm..... Now i know (12 years ago)

itz crazy being a better cheater dan ex.. (12 years ago)

whats crazy @ pink pearl (12 years ago)

datz crazy.. (12 years ago)

@jhönbisa, u mean one should cheat all others?  (12 years ago)

i don't know who cheat the most.. girl or boy. but if u hav been cheated... do one thing..move on and be a better cheater than ur ex!!!!!! (12 years ago)

well in this 24 century.. Its the gals that cheat most... I know a gal dat has more than 5 boyfriends.. Why should that happen? And i also challenge her ans she told me she didint like any of those boy that she only enjoy the pleasure they gave her( money and other stuff) (12 years ago)

@bewisebekind, some ppl describe marriage as an "exchange of goods and services" thats why most wealthy men gets the women they like. (12 years ago)

It is better to cheat other ppl than to cheat your own feelings. There are instances in life that we fell in-love with somebody else while we are still in a relationship. If we fall out of love with our partner it doesnt mean that it is all our fault coz partially our partner is liable as well. They said it takes two to tango but how could two ppl dance perfectly in the same tune if their steps arent d same? Both gender is capable to cheat but men tend to do it more often because they are brave enough to take risk.  (12 years ago)

boys are good selectors and girls are good lovers girls can't select a good person for thr life and boys they are selectors then can select many girls at a time so for me boys are cheaters  (12 years ago)

Oooopss been fallen “FE” then FEMALE  (12 years ago)

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