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 Why do muslim covers females.

Valentino r u christian? (13 years ago)

well i think is cute for any women to cover her body wel (13 years ago)

Hai,aap ka sms bohot acha hai. (13 years ago)

@sniper,it is the muslim bro who doesnt understand thier religion because they are brainwashed in the madrassa,but we who are not brainwashed know more than you think. (13 years ago)

and for any one who doesnt under stand and talking alot keep ur mouthe shut until u know what u r talking about (13 years ago)

wanna know why do u realy care if u asked ur self u ,d know and for the one who saied that islam dont care for others he is wrong if u know more about islam u would know that allah order muslem to respect other relegions (13 years ago)

I agreE wit valentin n meagainst myslf. A way go duDes.! (13 years ago)

I agreE wit valentin n meagainst myslf. A way go duDes.! (13 years ago)

mr funny funny you get it all wrong,look at my posts,i dont abuse,i give facts,quotes from the al-quran,examples and explanations and you term that abuse? You and all the muslims are cowards,no facts no nothing just shouting yourself hoarse 'abuse,abuse,abuse'. (13 years ago)

Jay n VaLentino, just Like i said yesterday, wastin time to answer ur chaLLange bcuz u gonna throw it aLL in my face in the wrong way n fiLL it with negative thoughts. n Jay do u even know what ABUSE means? check ur dictionary n Lemme know. Happy makin fun of musLim. i hope u get what u want. i rest my case! (13 years ago)

one thing i have come to realize from this topic is that muslim are cowards when it comes to facts or one to want know more of them and you know what? mohamed too didnt like people who asked too many questions,talk about one being with them or against them,pure brainwash,what one was taught in madrassa is pure truth,no questions or you are against them. (13 years ago)

enjoy ur insuLt im tired .. i better get back to where i beLong..hope iLL never meet both of u again..N Hope u two get happyness in ur Life, God bLess (13 years ago)

@jay imagine none has the guts to challege that i misquoted or otherwise and i think its time the book was revised to edit those offending verses that breds radicals. (13 years ago)

Cuz VALENTINO MORON, its just waste time to take ur chaLLange bout what aL-Quran says..u wiLL never understand, everythin what we gonna say uLL throw it back to us with a wrong way..U R BLIND..So better Let it b..u can hate musLims thats ur decision, but NEVER say my ALLAH is wrong..what reLigion r u? what wiLL u feeL if i say that ur God is wrong??i ask u niceLy now, dun say any bad words bout others beLief..What u got by doin that?? (13 years ago)

@funnyfunny dont make laugh,iddnt interpret anything but QUOTED THE VERSES,come on mr funny are they for real or not? It is funny that not one 'true' muslim has come forward to challenge my al quran readings,isnt mr funny? (13 years ago)

@funnyfunny dont make laugh,iddnt interpret anything but QUOTED THE VERSES,come on mr funny are they for real or not? It is funny that not one 'true' muslim has come forward to challenge my al quran readings,isnt mr funny? (13 years ago)

All r discusing beliefs of muslims, why? U know THE BST 1 IS DISCSD MOST. We muslims lyk to protect our women 4m d dirty eyes of any1. U know, in d defn of MUSLIM there is a quotatiön dat A MUSLIM IS THE WHO, FROM WHOM NO ONE GETS PAIN BYE HIS HAND, Words and EYES.. U may get ur religeon as heritage bt a muslim doesnt. If u claim urslf as a muslim u must shud nt hurt any1 . You shud nt judge rules of islam bye watching d activities of muslim religeous .. Islam is d bst. U know it is usual dat u wil b atracted to anygirl if she is nt cvrd. It wil make ur mind unrest, may b 4 just a mmnt bt sure.. Sex scandal is maximum in other religeon, nt in islam. Its due to the protective covering of muslims. U valentino and those hu r critisising islam, first go through the Quran and then debate or criticise if u cn. U hv no power to undrstnd d rules of Allah.. If u r christn dn folow bible , u wil get proper answer why we hv to cvr our women.if u r a pure hindu dn u r öne of d bst person to protect hindu women.. Dnt db (13 years ago)

betul betul betul (13 years ago)

VaLentino!!STOP interpret AL-QURAN with a wrong way..aaaargh im tired with ur crap!! why do u aLL care if IsLam ask to cover their women? why u aLL have to bother bout it?Let it b..STOP Judging!!aLL i got in here onLy peopLe insuLtin musLim..u aLL better see ur seLf in front of mirror n ask ur seLf, who i am dare insuLt others beLiefs?? (13 years ago)

@roda,muslim dont take women as human beings.koran 4:15-'if two men commit indecency,punish them but if they repent and mend their ways let them be' Koran 4:16-if any woman is guilty of lewdness,confine them untill death claims them'. Koran 4:34-'beat your wives'. The great teacher muhamed taught about muta(temporary marriage) of up to three days,isnt that prostituion?.imagine one can divorce his wife by uttering 'talaq' only three times? Such fairness can be found in the koran.One should not expect much from a religion which dictates how one should piss,fart and piss. (13 years ago)

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