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 help me ! facebook...

Wapbro whr friends whr i m also.. Ebuddy is best u have need only download one time use like u used browser to acess websites  (13 years ago)

ebuddy go 2 www.getjar.com n dwn (13 years ago)

thanks ! (13 years ago)

just simply go to google and write facebook chat. U cn able to open that link with chats (13 years ago)

Sameer jo teri id hai wahi user name (id) gmail or yahoo password dal to ban jayaga . Agar nahi banta to nai id banani padegi gmail or yahoo pe ok  (13 years ago)

Rish tu yahaan bhi hai (13 years ago)

Yar main facebook mein acount bnana chata hu. Main koi bhi naam likhta hu to invalid caracter bolta hai. mera nam sameer hai koi acha sa naam bata.  (13 years ago)

Yes u can just i knw 2 best chat applications 1. nimbuzz 2. Ebuddy download n go in its options put lets start chat .. (13 years ago)

cn i chat with my frnds on facebook? Plz tel me if there is any software available for my w580i or any othr way. If u dont u kno then atleast say me yor facebook id, we wil also contact there ! (13 years ago)

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