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Jay kill the devil before it overtakes u. Or make it ur driver who follows ur command and not d master dat shows u his hunter & makes u to dance like a puppet. (12 years ago)

Nothing (12 years ago)

i dont mind.. Cheers yaar.... Well ankur, would u jump with me as like a frog?  (12 years ago)

Nice saying ankur i am agree with u.he.he.he. (12 years ago)

Jus kiddin yar. Never mind ;-) (12 years ago)

Yyyaaa...... i know alien that u have all d qualities. U can fly u can jump frm 1 planet 2 other, i just know it ;-D  (12 years ago)

i have all the characterstics.. (12 years ago)

The word WEIRD defines me [: (12 years ago)

Anna wht hapnd? Why u saying like that?  (12 years ago)

I have one habit which i think its very strnge. "While i do sumthin i get totally involved in it & forgt all other thinz".So deeply involved that even i could not hear anyone's call. After they shout at me and say that i m deaf. Heeiiiiii.......... Don't think that i m really deaf or having any problem in my ear ok..... I m confused that its good or bad for me. Becoz i m a student & besides studies there r many thins not good for my student life. (12 years ago)

Watz wrong phnx.? (12 years ago)

I've no good habit at all.. How a selfish person I am..! (12 years ago)

I've no good habit at all.. How a selfish person am I..! (12 years ago)

Hi friends...Share your good habits.,things.. U think ur gud point is.? 1st of all i started with my self..i like my careing nature..:) wht about u? (12 years ago)

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