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 wht is more importent in relationshipg.? Love or understanding?

Understanding is far better than love... So let undrstnd each heart.. (12 years ago)

Hmmm thanx for answring frnds (12 years ago)

In conclusion both r the same thing.. Nd both cannot live without each other..:-):-) (12 years ago)

love is more important.When you start love some1 , understanding come naturally.If you really want that relation work you ll give everythng to it whether its understanding, care or time. (12 years ago)

For me Love is more important. Why? I’ve been in a relationship for a couple of years with the person whom I thought my soulmate. I tried to understand every decision he made although most of them are completely unjustifiable. As year goes by I felt like I am slowly falling out of love, but I never broke up with him because I know that this person can’t afford to lose me, NOT THIS TIME!.. I don’t love him anymore yet I am staying with him because I am considering his feelings. See my point? You can give understanding to somebody even if you don’t really love them. (12 years ago)

Before I would answer the question, I just want to tell you guys that a creative discussion would be more appealing if you would answer base on the question. What I am trying to say is that you have to choose which one is more important in your own view and say why you choose this over the others. Please don’t answer both because we all aware of that. Thank you!  (12 years ago)

in my opinion. You should know how to understand. Because if u know how to understand then you can love that special someone =) (12 years ago)

well i think undastanding is the most important becos u have to undastand each other bofore u can love. (12 years ago)

Understandin is the fist criteria if one wants to have a true and fulfiled love affair. So i will say that one cannot cant do with out d other. (12 years ago)

both r very importance were there is love theres understandin (12 years ago)

Yeah yeah yeah understand!! Which is very important before making a true relationship. . . True relationship!. . . . . . . . .eg. Do u hav a puppy(dog).hope u luvd him very much. . . . . .and the dog also like/luv u... Here the understanding exists when dog declared that the girl don't defact/affect me... (12 years ago)

both ar important.. ßut wen yo talk bout the ßasic thng, i wud say its the "UNDERSTANDING"... Wen yo have understanding yo start loving too, ßut love flunkz wen ders lack of understanding.. (12 years ago)

both are important (12 years ago)

when it comes to "relationship" I believe that LOVE is more important..If you love the person you would understand him/her regardless of reasons. I am not saying that "understanding" isnt important when it comes to relationship, its just that UNDERSTANDING can give to anyone even without deep involvement of feelings.. (12 years ago)

Love is more important in a relationship dan understanding cos even d Holy bible said it dat we should love our neigbours like we love our selfs. So wen u love some body, u can understand d person & wil never hurt d person rather u wil do ur best 4 d person. So my frnds love is d ultimate in a relationship. Mckenze d man (12 years ago)

Love is more important in a relation cos even d Holy bible said it dat we should love our neigbours like we love our self. So wen u love some body, u wil never hurt d person rather u wil do ur best 4 d person. So my frnds love is d ultimate in a relationship. Mckenze d man (12 years ago)

I think love is life, but why understanding in love b'cos YE UMAR BIGHDNE KI HOTI HAI, SUDHARNE KI NAI.....My life my rule. (12 years ago)

luv n undrstndin go hand in hand lyk a 2 wings of bird. There4, d 2 wrd re vry importnd in any kyn of relatnshp b/w d 2 spouse. (12 years ago)

In my point of view, I think love comes with understanding because you can not love if you haven't understood the other person. (12 years ago)

Both are importent bcs understanding is the base of love without it true love can not possible. (12 years ago)

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