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 may i ask

dark chocolates? hmmmm expensive gift is much better  (12 years ago)

agree at pinkpearl  (12 years ago)

not really..! Anythng with luv could please a women havin a kind heart.. but its really hard to please a women wen yo know she aint in luv wit yo.. gud luck (12 years ago)

btw, y u want to please women ?  (12 years ago)

many ways* (12 years ago)

It is true that women can be please in may ways, some women are impress with gifts, others with surprises, but that is not applicable to everyone. I guess the real way to impress a woman is to like the things she likes.  (12 years ago)

There are many ways to please women. One of them is that women love surprises, they love presents, not expensive ones but simple presents such as chocolates. Try that and you will see how well it will work for you. (12 years ago)

what can man do to please woman (12 years ago)

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