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 Girls vs Boys

Some women use beauty products because of the benefit they get from it for instance a lip balm helps prevent crack lips which can cause infections, they use product with SPF to prevent too much exposure to sunlight which causes burns or skin ca. Come on guys its not all for men. haiist. Some women are being fashionable to show their creativity with other ppl and not to attract men..  (12 years ago)

sharma, how do u knw that boys use creams, change hair styles and crazy about jim.? similarly i knw, bt with greater accuracy. btw, all girls r same in the field of fashion.  (12 years ago)

alien how u knw that girls use too much cream...? or it,s ur work to notice girls makup style alien how u knw that girls use too much cream...? or it,s ur work to notice girls makup style and all girls are not same ok.  (12 years ago)

alien how u knw that girls use too much cream...? or it,s ur work to notice girls makup style  (12 years ago)

i agree wd u  (12 years ago)

hah. I never really like a girl with facial cream. I hate it. Right... Who agree me? (12 years ago)

sharma, whats wrong in this? boy use cream in adequae quantity bt girl use in too much quantity. hair style may b a fashion for boys. And jim to make body healthy. btw, all girls do fashion. 100%  (12 years ago)

ha.ha gud Qus. Bheya smiplicity is the best beauty in the word..this qus. For all girls.. But i ans. Only from my side.. Not all girls do like that...and if girls likes makup than wht is bad in it? Everybody wants to luck difrnt.. Not only girls.. Boys too.. Boys also use creams,change thr hairstyles,crazy about jim..,why ? (12 years ago)

boys r boys girls r girls.. Girls use heavy beuty produck, boys use not to much.. Boys love heavy workout, girls lite wrkout.. 2 reason 1competation to other like miss univers..for the Boys want 2 v come masmachu' to other machuman... 2reason want to v come attructive to eyes of boys or girls... Sorry for my enlish (12 years ago)

Yeah its so true boyz are really!nnocent..!! (12 years ago)

@malika, u can easily see the difference b/w boys' n girls' make up. Girls use cosmetic more than required. I don't understand why girls keep long nails?? Lol.! Another thing.. is girl cut their hair n keep it as same as boys' hair. high heel sandal, lipstic, white powder on their face. boys r much more behind than girls. (12 years ago)

LOL...so true..!  (12 years ago)

we are saying women are puting makeup to look fair or beautfl..but we had this product called fair and lovely for women.. Later on a new product came out fair and handsom for men..so if women are into make up, then men are not left behind anymore.. (12 years ago)

pra wapstar sb vadia ae.. Tussi sunao kidar rehnde ho ajj kl labbde ge nei? Te vampire kithe aa  (12 years ago)

Babe bandian...... (12 years ago)

Nice to c u all... guyz wats up and alien bro ke haal ne prava sab vadia...phoenix sory bro 4 using hindi... All others too ....luv u all (12 years ago)

ßoys ar very innocent acc to me, itz da gals who make dem create evil thots.. I pity dem... (12 years ago)

btw, i hate makeup girls though they look beautiful. Lol. (12 years ago)

Btw i hate fair and lovely beauty cream (12 years ago)

Yes naffa u r right. . Also Women or girl wear makeup to look more beautiful then their female co worker or classmate. .nw it has becm part of society its status symobl. . Ur makeup, cloths etc all shows ur position in society.. .  (12 years ago)

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