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 Palestinian The most demonic person

The palestinian people is the most demon employer of the world share your working expirience to that kind of devil employer  (14 years ago)

R u israel?Palestine is good,they r not an demonic people.. (14 years ago)

No not israeli but they really have the attitude of the devil especially to my former employer riad bulbul & rashid bulbul (14 years ago)

Bulbul wat a strange name..Wat they do?They kill them? (14 years ago)

I think maybe if u a jew. But north korean goverment more demonic. (14 years ago)

Dpc5,i agree wit u..That stupid cominis country under Kim Joong Il..Suck.. (14 years ago)

Can i ask u somthing...is there any war happen between korea and north korean its like they have 2 emperor? (14 years ago)

We have at Korean War..Wat u mean by emperor?We didnt have emperor,we just have king and now president..And when?When do u mean by war between us?20 CE? (14 years ago)

About 1300 b.c (14 years ago)

Yeah..It start in Seoul..Korea was unite that time,but the 3 kingdom just started and fighting for korea..And then Jaeson empire get control..It was long story....Till now king to prisedent and Korean war start for many decad..And the U.S help us while China and Soviet help the north..Like that (14 years ago)

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