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 Purpose of life

Do u think we are here for any pupose? Are we here by our own will? Lets share your thought.... (14 years ago)

i think live is only waiting the dead come . I think live is very short ... But in that short time,i feel something meaningful (14 years ago)

wat is the something u feel meaningful? (14 years ago)

maybe something about .................... Spending your time with your family and friends .maybe (14 years ago)

What is life (14 years ago)

If you're to think positively I think tt its abt θΏ½ (ps I dk how to spell it in eng) our dreams. And doing things tt you enjoy. And negatively its abt overcoming all the difficulties. (14 years ago)

but all the dreams that u go after will be gone one day even u really fullfill your dream, so whats the real purpose behind ? (14 years ago)

That will b a big purpose..just one,and that's so important.one big purpose can bring u to the other purpose... (14 years ago)

There must b a meaning...nothing is don't hv meaning..every effort can make result. (14 years ago)

Life is travel nd this travel have to end ...nd very rare peoples know their destny ,,...nd rare peoples r geting it... (14 years ago)

Reach the purpose of life..b a gud one.try to b better n diffrent w/ d other.. (14 years ago)

Ahhh thanks i will do it. (14 years ago)

Our purpose in lyf, is to serve God, obey his commandments. (14 years ago)

Our purpose in lyf, is to serve God, obey his commandments. (14 years ago)

Who gives a shit? What the hell can u do by finding the purpose of life? (14 years ago)

That's will arrange ur life n doesn't b a loser. (14 years ago)

No..human purpose of life is 2 be a leader 4 this world (14 years ago)

That's can be accepted,Qaf.. (14 years ago)

Simple question and I have an simple answer for that! That is: Te purpose of life is to seek for the purpose of life! Cool huh !?  (14 years ago)

Skin i cant understand it... (14 years ago)

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