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 Virtue of Girls..

What is mean by Virtue? Is Virtue a physical based one or Mental based one or both physical and Mental based one?  (12 years ago)

It is a behavior showing a high moral standards. (12 years ago)

Roda.. Just imagine that You are a boy.. You've only one option to choose the below two options.. Option1) You are in love with a girl.. You propose your love to that girl and she accepts your love.. After somedays, you know a matter that your lover has been in heartly touch with other few boys but no physical contact.. Option2) You are in love with a girl and propose your love at her.. Before accepting your propose, she tells a matter that, she has been raped by a person and besides this she has no more black marks in her life.. In above 2 cases, which option will you choose..?  (12 years ago)

Ill go for option one...LOL...If I caught her red-handed meaning she screwed me, definitely I would not choose her but that doesn't mean that I would go for option two..If option one confessed it to me I would probably give her consideration..LOL.. I am a bit competitive person and believe that one man gain is another man's lost... so may the best man wins.. When we buy an item we often choose the one in the box(sealed) over the one that has been removed from the box and I want my mate to be like that.. (12 years ago)

phoenix.. If u ask me this question, i would go to option no. 2.. I think i dnt need to explain.. btw, i knw that i am right in ur eye. (12 years ago)

phoenix.. If u ask me this question, i would go to option no. 2.. I think i dnt need to explain.. btw, i knw that i am right in ur eye. (12 years ago)

Hmmm.. Me too alien..| Roda.. Thats your view.. According to me, Virtue is mind based one.. My lover should be the lover only to me.. Selecting of lover is not buying a thing in the market.. And knett.. You can ans the Q.. (12 years ago)

Hmmmmm.. (12 years ago)

i knw that phoenix has other thinking  (12 years ago)

@knett.. Funny lol..!  (12 years ago)

@ phoenix, just want to quote you when you say "Selecting of lover is not buying a thing in the market". Is it related to my post since I made an example about item?! I don't mean to argue with any of you since this question is opinionated so i guess there is no wrong answer. I just want to be true to myself, I am the type of person who would not settle for less if I could actually have the best. When it comes to relationship I am a bit choosy.  (12 years ago)

Kay kay roda.. (12 years ago)

.. (12 years ago)

(12 years ago)

(12 years ago)

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