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 Parents or love

Whn we hav to choose btw parents nd our love whc we will choose. . . . One v met frm home or one v met frm road? (12 years ago)

I wld choose my parents becoz they will choose my love 4me. . . . (12 years ago)

Ha.. Haa.. But, most of the girls choose her lovers then they drop their lovers due to the threatening of their parents.. If you have no guts to face your parents, then why do you come down to love..? I've seen many guys became as Mentally disorded persons due to the dropping of their lovers.. But, I never find any mentally disorded girl due to the dropping of her lover.. Ha.. Haa.. (12 years ago)

i will chose parant and after it i will try to convance my parant to chose my lover and that's the way i will make my beauty full femaly (12 years ago)

yea.. M 100% agree wd phoenix.. @naagini, u must reply now. Now, answer me too, why do u come down to love if u do so much respect of ur parents?  (12 years ago)

i will choose my lover whom will b my husbnd... (12 years ago)

I could actually have them both... lucky me..LOL (12 years ago)

@nafaa.. If a girl can force herslf, then she can also stop herself to fall in love. (12 years ago)

yeah.. But y after love nt before the love?? (12 years ago)

yeah.. But y after love nt before the love?? (12 years ago)

Parents are always with their children even if their children did any wrong work. They r always with us to care/advice/pamper etc. Their love is unconditional. In love u always have to love with ur all hearts and also have to open ur mind too, Because one day ur lovers may leave u. For love we need belive... Most Parents always agree/accept their's children's lovers even if they are not happy in this descision because they always want to see us happy. They did lots for us, frm the day we born,. They are always with us but most painful thing is most of us ignore in their bad times like old age period when they need us d most. Its called devine love of parents and its a boon of god to every mankind+other aninals. Just for our lovers love we ignore it. .... (Its my own view towards parents love v/s lovers love)  (12 years ago)

I ll choose both. . Bcz i dnt want to hurt any one of them .both are equally precious.acc to me we should nt fall in love if we dnt have guts to carry that relationship. .so its better nt to fall in love,think 100 times . But if i fall in love with a person ,whom my parents dont like thn i ll give my 100 parents to convince them,whatever happened but i would convince my parents with the help of my love , Cz love is not time pass. Also we dnt have right to hurt our parents or the person who love us.however m lucky i dnt have to face this type of situation. (12 years ago)

 (12 years ago)

I 100percent agree with knett .i will chose them both.cause i love my parent very much.and to love my girl,wife to be in future. (12 years ago)

I Agry wid them who love their parents, If u never b ur parents (i guarantee) you never ever b urs lover B'coz ''As u sow so u reap''........dats it!!! (12 years ago)

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