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 Should you tell your partner about your ex?

kajuuu  (12 years ago)

i will not tell bout my ex ... coz that can make her sad i dun like to hurt some one " manish" (12 years ago)

mmm., better to ask your ex or let your ex ask you first..-..for me, the advantage of telling about your past ex is to let your present ex kn0w what the past ex did that makes you happy and light all the time,. And also the things that made you sad.. So that your present ex would better kn0w whats your likes and dislikes according to the past, past could be a great foundations,--that's all about my oppinion,. Do you agree? (12 years ago)

Thenga dikha dia?  (12 years ago)

wowwww kajuuu is popular for this topic everybody interested in his opinion now u r popular as u wish kashboy  (12 years ago)

agree at jhayzeus. If your partner is asking you about your exes then why would you give him/her a hard time if you could actually give him/her the benefit of the doubt If most of you guys are thinking that it could be a grudge for a misunderstanding then I assume that your relationship isn't strong or mature enough to be in argument/controversy, remember that few good fights make a relationship besides telling what you have been through with your previews relationship doesn't mean hurting the present coz it could be the other way round. The more you hide it is the more your partner get curious and wont get peace of mind  (12 years ago)

thanks for the agreement dear rodayao.. (12 years ago)

Thnx wine  (12 years ago)

nah dont start a conversation about exs, it always screw up lol. past is past, dun bring it up. if your lover ask abt your ex, you should answer it honestly  (12 years ago)

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