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 god is live r not? !

in this world there is no god,,,,,,,,,,,,,,only humannnnn,,,,,,,,,,,beings,,, (12 years ago)

 (12 years ago)

God is with every1 who believes in him, he is there with u every moment guiding u to b a good human being, every religion has diff names for the almighty bt he is only1 and for him all r same and equal as his children, so my dear friends do what ur heart says to u, bt b4 blaming or using bad words for any1 think for a while as he/she may b have a diff view or opinion bt the path is the same, love every1 respect every1 coz afterall its gods creation. Thats is just my view, urs may b different. (12 years ago)

sry dear i dont know how to delet (12 years ago)

k thanks all (12 years ago)

k i dt belive that,thanks 4 urs commentz (12 years ago)

gd questin (12 years ago)

mom is the miror of god (12 years ago)

yes my Allah is alive and is everywhere (12 years ago)

ur right God is alive (12 years ago)

god is definetly alive as a muslim i know its one of his qualities (12 years ago)

تىلاؤبلتاب/ف (12 years ago)

God z evrywhr knwn o unknwn jst do thngz rght (12 years ago)

god is in d world live r not (12 years ago)

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