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 how future life do u want ?

share ur thinking. (12 years ago)

An Army Officer! (12 years ago)

In future, I want to become as Superintending Engineer in my Dept., and I want to implement many useful changes in administration to make simplicity to the Public and to wash out the bribe act from all employees... This is my dream now.. But,, (12 years ago)

May your dream come true friend! (12 years ago)

My future dependz upon da way i deal wid my present.. Just want da bestof evrythng i desrve... (12 years ago)

i want only a peacefull life with my family (12 years ago)

I want to become a successful engineer. (12 years ago)

 (11 years ago)

I want to become a hero in bollywood or in hollywood (11 years ago)

i want peacefull life with my family and caring ridho Allah SWT (11 years ago)

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