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Hello miss gift you're talking as if we have misunderstanding but we dont all i want you to do is to check the site is not what you think it is,ok if you doubt me come to facebook you will hear and see more about this link trust me i cant share porn links cause my believe is against it okay. Thanks (11 years ago)

Copyright/Ads Links etc like this is prohibited in our forum...mast3 (11 years ago)

Manish.. why don't you login YourfirstFriend?  (11 years ago)

just do what should do.. its duty.. refrain to give ads to other site in the forum! (11 years ago)

dont you like the link gift? (11 years ago)

please no ads & link to other site.. thanks. (11 years ago)

Friends i want you guys to check out this link is interesting and it puts money in you pocket http://incomepart.com/ref.php?page=act/ref&invcod=31145 (11 years ago)

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