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 What You Think ? A Girl Can Still Be Girlfriend If You Have Not Job , No money , No Smart Face ?

i think you all have/had seen ... everwhere its hapeen .. ----->> A girl promise to a boy i will be your forever but when that boy los his or job ane he got money prob .... These time always girls left them , or maybe alway they doing fight for everything ??  (11 years ago)

money is honey there are some gals that they don't see you are rich or poor but most of girls make relation by seeing what you have  (11 years ago)

there're three types of women material women who cares abt ur pocketmoney , outlooking women who cares abt ur looks and style and goodwords women who cares abt getting sumbody respecting her .. Egy saying (11 years ago)

I aint any of the three so maybe i aint a woman I'm a mean creature! (11 years ago)

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