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 What was your favorite childhood memory?

 (11 years ago)

female teachers kisses still remember  (11 years ago)

From class 5th to 8th, i used to eat from a girl's lunch box. i still know her name.  (11 years ago)

at the beginning of first grade when my aunt was everyday with me as a partner it took about two months to adapt coming alone to the school  (11 years ago)

lonlyboy (11 years ago)

knett gud times never b forgetin (11 years ago)

i was always sleep in my dad's room and at morning when i woke up i found myself in my own room and i always thought it's a is magic  (11 years ago)

Hmm....well i remember flirting wd my young teachers and then their beatings (11 years ago)

i used to sign my marksheet by myself n on teacher's enquiry my frnds use 2 say d truth..lol (11 years ago)

i still remember when i was made to sit in b/w 2 girl students when i made too much noise in clsroom... (11 years ago)

Every early morning i went 2 nbrhood home n bite their daughter tille dey cryin den i run back home  (11 years ago)

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