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  Long lost love...Newly found hope

Love is the greatest adventure of human on earth..we regularly fumble 2 understand it,yet it remains perpetually mysterious,utterly consuming and phenomnally indispensable in it's witchery and glamour..it is a mysterious piece of radiance,enveloping two opposite sex as one living being...however,a little falter could lead 2 a heavy fall.once cooed into it's nest,the dilemma to unwind it begins.it's entanglement hightens,to futher thinghten the knob that weaved it,sailing the soul to the threshold of it's fatality or beauty.what love has barred the snares of anothers rise?who is he in love that encounter another love and remains to conquer it?a fool! People say that love is for adults,that the emotion of the youth is immature to wistandind the tide of love..I disagree..love disregards age and maturity..it's power is swiftly overwhelming..love is also for the adollesent,cause we habour the tendency to feel it as human beings..if u lost ur way in the adventure of love..this is a new hope for you (10 years ago)

Hey..not all guys give,and it's not all girls who gets that forget..that maybe how it seems in your own perspective..but u still have alot to know,and a long way to go (10 years ago)

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