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 Pakistan National Assembly unanimously approves resolution condemning killings in Egypt

 (10 years ago)

Hahahaha i use the name of islam for what ??? Btw this topic aint yours becauseits about Egypt somewhere that i doubt u lived in...btw if u can se ..the dude cant say a single arabic word ..he just says ana maskeen means i am poor ... U saw his passport ?? Or ??? And yeah look well u ll see two white dudes with bread..they r ur mates from Afghanistan ... Mursi placed himself a GOD He wanted to ruin it like Syria.. Look at the steps syria took to go down we had the beginning but our army saved us...  (10 years ago)

And its clear ... Look at rafah ... They killed innocent officers ... And if u read quraàn its haram to torture a dead body ... Means u cant cut its parts like an animal .. Its haram ... Those bloody terrorists do it in the name of Islam... Islam is peace ... Is not about forcing someone to follow .. Mursi said me or blood in his speech ... Our army said Egypt or death ... Muslims brotherhood wanna ruin Egypt then fly ... To let the middleeast completely destroyed ... A cake for israel to rule from nile to Al-furat (10 years ago)

I began my talk with respect but u r just violet like the NONmuslims brotherhood ..im not calling u nonmuslim ..because im not a member from them " follow me or die "... How much money they paid you ? XD btw Daniel is not supporting our Army ... He`s by ur side .. And the Christian boy u r talking about u dont dare to say a single bad word about him ... I`ve started the debate being good enough btw ... Islam is perfect but in fact we dont deserve it .. Either me or you ... Nobody`s being a true muslim ..thats y we`re disliked!  (10 years ago)

I hope u recieved my msg .. Still i am happy i had this talk with you .. Thank u! enjoy the topic .. But better if u made one for pakistan ” my advice ”  (10 years ago)

one thing i forgot ... Ur avatar is Erdogan fingers ?? U gotta change this avatar ... Egyptian guys thunk that Four fingers are too many  (10 years ago)

Think* nice to meet you dude.. XD (10 years ago)

yeah i know Calm down  (10 years ago)

from the later 2010 i wasnt in the support of Egyptian Revolution, was your army sleeping at that time? ok now every1 knows the Hosni Mubarak was concerned with army in other words, he was one of them,and every1 knows he stepped down after 18 days of demonstrations during the 2011 Egyptian revolution.since the till now egypt on the part of world news,Protest,Demonstrative egypt people.now i dont support neither brotherhood nor army but the symphaty with brotherhood, because it cost many innocent lives, and its stupid to say the muslim brotherhood got killd were all terrorists 700 - 800.and were your army sleeping at the election time ? why the army let the elected terrorism party as the government of egypt ? well to me its all the cost of your 2011 Egyptian revolution, and some1 have to pay (10 years ago)

Hey sis i miss u too cant sign ur gb...  (10 years ago)

 (10 years ago)

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