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 choose between TO LOVE or TO BE LOVE.... and Why?

Always To love only because if ill be loved by some one it hurts when they leaved me  (10 years ago)

love  (10 years ago)

but , i think , it always ends up on TO LOVE...its nice to be loved,it feels good isnt it? Other would probably choose that..even if they dont love that person they'll just say that they will just learn to love that person as time goes by... But on other side to be love is better ,yes its painful especially when you are the only one who is loving... But you surely find happiness , seeing your love one happy is also your happiness. That is my own understanding of love. ..loving without expecting any in return.hahaha... Hosshhh!really confusing sshhh! (10 years ago)

ahhhh! It drives me crazy, i want to love somebody and also to be loved by that somebody,ahahaha  (10 years ago)

for me i choose to love coz i cnt teach ma heart to love... they say u cn love them through process but me i cnt do tht, its not easy to have a relationship to someone you dnt love though they love you.... thts why i choose TO LOVE. (10 years ago)

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