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Is hindi our national language..? (12 years ago)

Yeah.. Hindi is our vernacular.. Hindi is the general language of North India only but not of South India.. (12 years ago)

knight - why?? youre in the same place as phoenix is at.. what language is for you the general ?? (12 years ago)

Yes knight hindi is our national language. (12 years ago)

In skul I sudid hindi hamara rashtra baasha he... i thnk dey lyng.. Last week ma cousn arkd me a simpl qn' wh our natinal langaug? As usual i said HINDI. He said datz wrng and we got no national lang nor nationl regn.. Itz like sayng hindusm is our natnl relgn..  (12 years ago)

yes hindi is our national language.. (12 years ago)

yes hindi is our national language.. (12 years ago)

Give me pruf plz... (12 years ago)

if u go another state of india u will talk with people (of another state) in hindi because those people will not understand local language. (12 years ago)

WoooooF... Even After we got libration from British, we had been separated by many regions based on the language.. An Independent country should have some unique identifications like national anthem, national flag etc among the world countries.. According to this, a language had to be selected as the national language.. On this polling, The language Hindi was selected as our national language because it is spoken by majority people of India.. Next one is Telugu.. Knights.. Your brother may pushed this matter into the Religionic issue.. Of course nothing is wrong in the word Hindi because our country's ancient name was Hindustan.. But, see here.. Tamilnadu, Kerala, AndraPradesh and Karnataka didn't come into the limit of Hindustan.. (12 years ago)

^plz google it.. (12 years ago)

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