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12 years ago
">http://i769.photobucket.com/albums/xx333/anodz/happiness-hands.jpg" border="0"/>

When I was in grade school, they told me to write down what I wanted to be when I grew up.
I wrote down happy. They told me I didn't understand the assignment, I told them they didn't understand life.

***just a thought..***


13 years ago
Friendship . . . . . . is you. . . . is love. . . . is shared. . . . is forgiving. . . . is understanding. . . . is shared secrets. . . . heals many hurts. . . . is not judgmental. . . . is shared laughter. . . . is slow and steady. . . . can be angry at times. . . . is dependable and true. . . . is more precious than silver or gold. . . . is meant to be savored like fine wine. . . . is not perfect, much like we are not perfect. . . . does not hold grudges or demand perfection. . . . makes all the wrong things in life, right somehow. . . . is meant to be gulped like lemonade on a hot summer day. . . . is always there, through times of trial, happy times and hard times. . . . just happens, but once discovered, needs to be tended like a beautiful garden. . . . is a road to be traveled slowly, remembering the sights and sounds. . . . is strength when you are too weak to notice its there. . . . is a cherished moment of mutual understanding. . . . reaches into your heart and grabs a firm hold. . . . is a refreshing rain on a hot day. . . . is sunshine through the clouds. . . . cannot be forced or induced. . . . is relaxed and comfortable. . . . is a shoulder to lean on. . . . is an ear to whine to. . . . gets better with age. . . . is shared tears. . . . is shared pain. . . . is shared joy. . . . is shared. . . . is love. . . . is you.
13 years ago
"hear, and forget.. see, and remember... do,and understand..."


Never give up the right to be wrong, because then we will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with our lives. Remember that fear always lurks behind perfectionism.

have a good day and be blessed!


Take care
13 years ago

">http://img864.imageshack.us/img864/9020/2fishingheartphotograph.jpg" border="0"/>

Never should our love be just a word

A passing phrase, a brief emotion

It should be an attitude, a prayer

Love is good will for the gain of another

It always gives unconditionally..

And never runs out of patience..


God bless

Take care
13 years ago

">http://i769.photobucket.com/albums/xx333/anodz/desert_flower.jpg" border="0"/>

The sun that hardens clay to brick
Can soften wax to shape and mold
So too life's trials will harden some
While others purify gold
So everytime life presses us too hard,
the weaker we feel, the harder we have to lean on God

Just a thought

God bless
">http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/8312/happy1m.jpg" border="0"/>
do always smile as you mean it
Take care

13 years ago
Take time to smile when we're sad,
To rest when we’re tired,
To love if we’re feeling empty,
And to "LET GO" if we need to.
Time endures;
Time heals,
In this life.
Take time for ourselves..

Let be God our strength

God bless

Take care
13 years ago

">http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/4236/coloredflowers.jpg" border="0"/>

Have you ever wondered, how bees take nectar and make it into honey,
How trees are made into paper, and paper into money.
How we can feel, but can't see a breeze.
How the sun is so far away, yet we feel the heat,

How a little bird knows how to fly when it leaves the nest,
How dreams are allowed in our minds to creep.

How our emotions are stirred and we can cry,
How we suddenly become happy and the tears are dried.

How we seem to be 'oh so fine,'
...and instantly we can be half out of our mind.
How one day you have a friend, and one day you don't..

How sometimes people help you, and sometimes they won't.
How by hands of a clock moving, time goes by.
How peace is said to come from within.
If you have ever wondered and asked why,
The answer lies alone with the Maker in the sky.

Just wondering....Have you ever wondered?


God bless

Take care

13 years ago
">http://img829.imageshack.us/img829/7282/84550814.jpg" border="0"/>

Across the miles
You touched my life,
Opened my eyes, and
Filled my empty heart-

Strangers, yet one,
Our spirits reach out,
Always touching, never apart- -

You in the east,
Me in the west,
Never together,
Never apart- -

God bless!
*keep smiling*


Take care
13 years ago
13 years ago

Wishing you always...
Walls for the wind,

A roof for the rain
And tea beside the fire.

Laughter to cheer you,
Those you love near you,

And all that your heart may desire...


~God bless~
Take care
13 years ago

">http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/7724/editeh0543davosandstars.jpg" border="0"/>

Each of us represents a star in Heaven.
Sometimes we shine with the rest,
Sometimes we twinkle alone
And sometimes, when we least expect it,
......we make someone else's dreams come true.

God bless
Good day!

Take care

13 years ago

">http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/4397/messagehq.jpg" border="0"/>

Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.

keep believing
God bless

take care
13 years ago

">http://i769.photobucket.com/albums/xx333/anodz/get-3-2010-yzweb6by.gif" border="0"/>
Living in the same big blue sky
yet walking in different road line..

Looking above the same stars at night
yet standing in different direction of its light.

I may not see how wide your horizon is ,
I can ask God to stay its beauty for you to always see..

I may not know how big your dream is,
I can ask God to grant it soon for you to be happy..

I may not hear you cry when you are in pain,
I can ask God to keep you strong and wipe your tears away..

I may not feel when you're scared,
I can ask God to drive your fears away..

Even I'm not there and see you,
I can ask God to be with you always instead..

To be with you in my prayers....
Is a promise to stay...


Take care
13 years ago

">http://i769.photobucket.com/albums/xx333/anodz/white_rose_ockc-1-1.png" border="0"/>

I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.

I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.

I would have talked less and listened more.

I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained or the sofa faded

I would have cried and laughed less while watching television and more while watching life.

There would have been more "I love you's." More "I'm sorry's."
...soooo much things would have been......

But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute, look at it and really see it , live it and never give it back.
Just a thought...
May we appreciate every God's given moment to live and enjoy..
God bless


take care
13 years ago
">http://i769.photobucket.com/albums/xx333/anodz/Rose_leafs_by_desertsun-1.png" border="0"/>

"Here's wishing you the top o' life without a single tumble.
Here's wishing you the smiles o' life and not a single grumble.
Here's wishing you the best o' life and not a claw about it.
Here's wishing you the joy in life and not a day without it."


Have a great day!

With love ,peace & good health
God bless

Take care
13 years ago
I wish you lots of good luck no matter what the day.
I wish you lots of sunshine and not a bit of gray……
I wish you lots of laughter and never one wee sigh, and I hope no gift of fortune may ever pass you by.

">http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/8365/smileformebykimgray88.jpg" border="0"/>

God bless
Take care
13 years ago
13 years ago
Caminos y Rieles - Picture for Me

Even when you walk on your own...
Have faith and smile...
And everything is gonna be ok!

13 years ago
">http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/6145/thebookofsecretsbym0thy.jpg" border="0"/>

"I have faith that God will show you the answer. But you have to understand that sometimes it takes a while to be able to recognize what God wants you to do. That's how it often is. God's voice is usually nothing more than a whisper, and you have to listen very carefully to hear it.
But other times, in those rarest of moments, the answer is obvious and rings as loud as a church bell."

From the book :— Nicholas Sparks (The Last Song)

just a thought
blessed day ahead

take care!

13 years ago

">http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/7795/handclocksbyblackrabbit.jpg" border="0"/>

Cherish each moment, each hour in each day,
The enemy, Time, just keeps slipping away.
Life passes so swiftly and waits for no man,
So cherish each second while you still can.

One moment of anger is one moment lost,
You can never regain it, but that is the cost
Of moments we squander on hatred and fear.
Too late we discover the cost was too dear.

We cannot step backward to relive one hour.
Recapturing time is not in our power,
And as we grow older, time goes by much faster,
So cherish each moment, they’re gifts from the Master...
Live Life well
Laugh as its the last
Love with no end


Have a great day ahead!
Be blessed
Take care
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