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المدينة: Semarang
الجنس: أنثى
العمر: 29

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Terimakasih Ya Allah untuk semuanya smoga tinggal sehatnya aja(9 سنة)
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العلاقة: إنه سر
نوع الجوال: Nokia X2, 01
مشغل الجوال: XL
الموسيقى المفضلة: XO, IX Five Minutes UNGU Fatin Sidqia Lubis Geisa
المشاهير المفضلون: XO, IX
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8 سنة

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8 سنة
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- Of course, I can bring you there! Why not? You want to see it? I am afraid that your works are vain! To it nobody is allowed! Are afraid, understand that did not bribe to the guard and that he did not get away! It is fine rich! - Who, you speak, is fine rich? - And this most that is imprisoned... Your relative! Speak, the big rich man!. Vyo!.
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9 سنة
Kapan aku punya cowok yg menerima aku apa adanya dan akupun begitu
10 سنة
I Miss Indra Fachmi Bobby;(
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