ellenJE  سجل زواري (1061) وقع في سجل زواري

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10 سنة
Ohh sorry but my cuntry alredy night so good night.by tc
10 سنة
A special face,
A special smile
A special someone,
A special hug from me to u,
A special person,
I found in u,
Sweet Dreams & Good Night!
10 سنة
EllSub, dun believe what Zanama said.. Keep naughty he are very interesting at fi8ht yestrday wif others pple

Ue are in my country rite8 now?
where ue goin' these daey!!?
Uer Janu are miss ue lots..
Janu "Lover" alrdy not me..
is he
omfg! If i say his name, he are wilL k!lL me
Have a Greatiey Daey!!?
How r u bunso?
10 سنة
I'm fine th@nkz, ellen dear. Keep smile n patient keep naughty.. be wild like me, ... born to be wild
10 سنة

Wish You Great Wednesday

10 سنة
I'm 2oo happiey

Cuz, I'm alrdy graduated 4rm college
so happiey

and Hw are ue?
Hope everythng alrite8 :3

Gud MORning

Mss. EllSub..
10 سنة
Can i touch yr heart, if my heart feels death..
10 سنة
Dream touches your heart and soul
Dream touches your heart and soul
It is a magical memory that unites fantasy and reality
Hope you”ll have the sweetest dream tonight
Good Night!
10 سنة
Ellen hwz u baby?
10 سنة
Being human
10 سنة

123friendster.com - More Teddy Bear Comments .

123friendster.com - More Polar Bear Comments .

123friendster.com - More Awesome Comments .

Gud MORning..
Have a Lovely Daey!!?

Rabbit's Sunday Note :

Roses are Red,
Lilies are White,
God make me Pretty,
Whats Wrng Wif Ue.. ?

G.B.U! (God Bless Ue!)

">http://www.desicomments.com/dc3/05/257056/257065.jpg" border="0"/>

10 سنة
10 سنة
Friends are there to lend a hand
to help you understand
to give you love
to help you see
when you're lost and alone.
When you're sick or confused
When you have been abused.
Some people call themselves
your friend
but have some other reason
to be with you
Real friends are hard to
come by
They give you a line
They say "hi" then "Goodbye"
A true friend is there for you
is happy when good things happen
to you
Perhaps we have one or two
that fit into this category..
It would be nice if we
were more open to having friends
We were more friendly to people
around us
Even if we have no time
We have too many problems
Too many thoughts in our minds
So when one comes knocking
open your door
see what it's for
Open your eyes
Because life is short
Its time is precious
We need more love
All of us do....
They need us too...
10 سنة
hi ellenje..
10 سنة

Gud MORning..

Lovely Day!!?

10 سنة
Welcome to the fresh morning" With a "Smile" on your "Face", "Love" in your "Heart" "Good Thoughts"in your "Mind" you will have a wonderful Day.
10 سنة
Beautiful Moon, Shining Stars, Excellent Dream, They all are Waiting in your Door with me 2 say Good Night.
10 سنة
Happiness is Not Something U Postpone 4 the Future.
It’s Something u Design 4 the Present.
Make Each Moment a Happy one.
I Just Did it by Remembering U!
Good Morning & Have a Nice Day..
Me too gud bunso...

Gud morning
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