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Último inicio de sesión: 10 years ago
Themero desde: 11 years ago
Comunidad/Localidad: Haryana
Genero: Masculino
Edad: 30

Anonymous Identity

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Relación: Soltero
Modelo de Movil: Nokia 5233
Escuela: Army Public School, Ambala Cantt
Música Favorita: Ab Tum Hi Ho
Peliculas Favoritas: Tere Naal Love Ho Gaya
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OwnSkin In-A-Box

Sobre Mi

I AM OUT OF CONTROL!!!!!!!!! NEVER BOTHERS I don’t know what people think of me..So what I can say is only “I DON’T CARE”, would you mind it? ..Again, I Don’t Care! “I am a harmless Creature, until all my harmones work properly”. I hate people who act over smart.. I take lot of time to adjust with anybody..might be a drawback of me. I don’t underestimate anyone. Misunderstanding has played appreciably great strocks in my life and I am crazier than that, because I enjoy it.. And I can forgive the person who kills me, but not the one who misused me.Now I know, you are thinking, what the hell this person might be of use?? The answer is, I also don’t know.But still I hate people who misuse me..now leave it. I love to live with my friends and for friendship I don’t consider their any previous achievements. I love all those who feel comfortable with me and who make me feel comfortable with them… And I never ever go behind any person (irrespective of their SEX) who don’t like my attitude and don’t want to be my friend.. I believe in GOD..I am optimistic.I am Moody. OPTIMISTIC-YES I AM ,,HV A STRONG BELIEF ON GOD NOT RELIGIOUS BT YES I AM SPIRITUAL HAVE A GREAT PASSION OF BIKES AND I AM MOBILE FREAKY AND U CAN LEARN MORE ABT ME AFTER HVING CHAT
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