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Themero desde: 4 years ago
Genero: Masculino
Edad: 33

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Modelo de Movil: 3175900137
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OwnSkin In-A-Box

Sobre Mi

Steam is building in the bathroom now. The large, luxurious room contains every amenity one could hope for away from home. A long, modern double vanity fills most of the forward wall, its open faced lower shelving is full of towels, lotions, perfumes and potions. A mirror covers the entire space above the counter. A floor to ceiling half-wall separates the area from the oversized shower in the right corner, its large shower head spewing a hot stream of water. A jacuzzi large enough for four dominates the corner opposite the shower on the right side wall. A door on the left leads to a smaller room containing the toilet and a small sink.

Jeff, my intimate friend, will be here soon so I don't have time to enjoy the relaxing waterfall. I quickly lather and shave my most delicate areas, taking only moments, because my hair is so fine. I am finishing soaping and scrubbing the rest of my body when I hear the bathroom door open.
Jeff and I are both married, but have been seeing each other for a couple of years now. Between jobs, family and life in general, our meetings have never been frequent, once a month at best. We would chat often in the intervals, trading pictures and fantasies. Our all-too-quick meetings have never allowed us time to go "all the way" though. My deepest longing is to feel his massive manhood inside me.

Tonight, coincidence had placed us in the same hotel, in the same city, far from home. His conference and my sales meetings will allow us a rare night to ourselves. Having spent so much time fantasizing, each of us knows exactly what the other wants. We plan on satisfying all those needs tonight.

Earlier I had slipped my spare key under Jeff's door. Now I can hear him entering the bathroom.

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