Mi Perfil


Último inicio de sesión: 15 years ago
Themero desde: 15 years ago
Genero: Masculino
Edad: 31

Anonymous Identity

Más Sobre Mi

Relación: Es un Secreto
Modelo de Movil: nokia 5700
Operador de Movil: etisalat
Ocupación: high school
Me gusta: to dance in a party, joke alot, have fun, play guitar whit my band, play breakdanc
Odio: some one that lies alot, bugz, ppl that are pussy
Música Favorita: eric clapton, layla, rehana, JT, evanecsince, metalica, HIM, system of down, night wish, LORDI
Peliculas Favoritas: pirets of the caribean, constanten, covenint, jackass, desaster move, meet the spartins, scary move
Libros Favoritos: magzens
Famosos Favoritos: lots
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Sobre Mi

im 16 i love breakdance i started breakdancing when i was 6 years i also like to play whit my guitar and my band and its nice im hear to make frends mabe by the time who knows and i play skatbord and i love jet ski and i love the water and i dont like to be competed and i like to joke alot so domt get mad if i joked white u .
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