Mi Perfil


Último inicio de sesión: 16 years ago
Themero desde: 17 years ago
Genero: Masculino
Edad: 45

Anonymous Identity

Más Sobre Mi

Relación: Es un Secreto
Modelo de Movil: N70
Operador de Movil: MOB, N, l
Ocupación: Engineer In Air Force
Me gusta: all my friend looooooooooooool
Odio: i canot love girl donot like the movie el selm wel t3ban
Música Favorita: Latin, Classical, Pop, Buddha Bar, amp, Omar Khairat
Peliculas Favoritas: Mafia TITO 300 Brave Haret Blood, Diamond the italian job
Libros Favoritos: El ba7s 3n el Zat For Mohamed Anwar El Sadat, the passed,
Famosos Favoritos: Amr Diab, Momahed Monir, Elissa
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nour: lovin&romancin

OwnSkin In-A-Box

Sobre Mi

well............. i canot interdouce my self in this small area coz i think that any one of us have more and more to say about him self but if you REALLY need to know many about me so read any book about the Astrology ( 3alm Al abrag ) in the section of ( Cancer ) it say more and more about my self hint my birthday on 7-07 ....
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