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9 years ago
Do not feel lonely because Allah will never leave your side no matter what happens. He is always there for you."
9 years ago
: Never ignore a person who loves and cares for you, because one day you may realize that you’ve lost the moon while counting the stars."
9 years ago
May Allah bless you and grant you ease.
May He allow you to pass through this test of patience and make you a better Muslim.
9 years ago
::: ♥ No beauty shines brighter then that of a good heart ♥~♥~
9 years ago

°°****Cute and true lines – Never choose
a dear one without understanding
and never loose a dear one because
of misunderstanding
*** Gud Evening***

">http://www.desicomments.com/dc3/07/267499/2674991.jpg" border="0"/>

***Have peaceful nyt ***
9 years ago
Food For Thought:

I once asked an old man :
"which is more important to love or to be loved?"
He replied :
"which is more important to a bird the left wing or the right wing?"

Sometimes you think doing something is a total waste of time...and then it ends up being one of the best things you ever did.
Don't judge the day before it unfolds. Amazing things can, and do happen when you least expect them. Just say Bismillah and put your trust in Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala

Do not ignore someone who loves you and cares for you.
One day you may wake up and realise that you lost the moon while counting the stars.
9 years ago
When a bird🐓🐓 is alive it eats ants🐜🐜but When a bird dies ants eat it. Time ⏰⌚& circumstance can change at any period..try as much🙅🙅as u can Neva🙅 to devalue😠😠 or hurt😡🙍 any1 in life. U may be powerful💪💪 today👇....but rmbr, time⌚ is more powerful💪 than you👉!!! One☝ tree 🌴makes a million match sticks🎿🎿🎿, but when the time comes, one match stick☝ is needed to burn 🔥🔥a million trees🌴🌴🌳🌴🌲.
I pray👏🙏 4 u 👉today (1) You will find😳 favor with someone you dont expect,.........Amen.
(2) You will be too relevant 😉to be ignored😒😞,.............Amen.
(3) You will encounter GOD😇👼 and will never remain🙇 the same,..........Amen.
(4) The grace 🙌🙌for completion👌 will come on you, you shall be blessed till the blessed call you blessed,...........Amen.
(5) The hand 👐✋that will send📮 📲this message📡✉ to others👥👤 shall not labor in vain,.........Amen
(6) The mouth 👄saying ''Amen'' to this prayer👏🙏 shall laugh😄😃😀 forever,...........Amen. Very soon and I say Very Very soon, GOD is going to do a miracle🌟✨💥 and lift u up👐👐 4 the best... Remaın bless!!!
Vry soon,ur family wil say 2 U:- I'm proud of U....👍🌹Ur frds will say:- I'm hapy 4 U....🌼🌼Ur mate will say:-I wish i were u....🌹🌹Ur enemies will say:-U have a migthy God....✨👑By d time ur glory will explode💥,sudden death will not take u away...🌄🗽U will excel 4rm 1 region 2 another.....🌾🌴Ur generation will b filled with wealth & riches_💴💵💰💷💶💸🍹🍷🍗🍇🍒🍓🍎🍑🍍🍏🍎🍯🍐🍌🌽🏩🚘✈ Dont b selfish,send dis prayer to 20 people u love 2 claim it....u can send it 2 me if am 1 of them
9 years ago
5 Ways of Generating the Love of Allah Ta’ala into Our Hearts

But those who believe are stronger in love for Allah ~ Surah Al Baqarah 2:165

. . ...............................

1 • Abundant remembrance of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala through Zikrullah. The more a person makes the Zikr of Allah, the more HIS love increases in a persons heart.

2 •  Pondering over the innumerable Ni’mats (bounties) that Allah Ta’ala has bestowed upon us.
When one contemplates over the continuous bounties Allah has showered upon him, then the response to Allah would be, that one begins to  love Allah, (his BENEFACTOR ) more and more …

3 • Keeping the company of the friends of Allah Ta’ala, in whose companionship, the effects of Allah Ta’ala’s muhhabbat (love) is engendered into our hearts.

4 • Remaining in the obedience of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala. The more one obeys his Beloved, the more his love  increases.

5 • Making Dua to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala to instil HIS love into our heart.

اللَّهُمَّ اِنِّىْ اَسْئَلُكَ حُبَّكَ وَ حُبَّ مَنْ يُّحِبُّكَ وحُبَّ عَمَلٍ يُّقَرِّبُ اِلى حُبِّكَ

Allahumma inni as-aluka hubbaka, wa hubba may-yuhibbuka, wa hubba ‘amalin yuqarribu ila hubbika.

O Allah! I ask You for Your love and the love of those who love You, and for the love of every action which will bring me closer to Your love.


9 years ago
My Pleasure! @Xvikrantx
9 years ago
Love is like.. Well there's no such thing to compare with love. Love is the world's strongest force which binds two souls together.

If you love someone,you got to show them that you love him or her Not just by sending gifts,love notes, texts... But by being there for your lover; whenever he or she needs you. Love doesn't mean anything if you don't put it into action.
9 years ago
Fassarar wasiyyar Ibn hanbal ga dansa Abubuwa 10 da kan kara dankon soyayyar aure 1-2 Mata na atukar bukatar bayyana so a garesu.rashin hakan kan haifar da rashin jituwa ga ma'aurata💔.

3-Mata ba sa son miji mai zafin rai/mai ra'ayin rikau❗Suna matukar kaunar mai sanyin rai mai tarairayarsu, to sai a lura💞

4-Mata na tsananin bukatar ganin mazajansu da iya tausasan lafazai,kwalliya, iya soyayya 💌💤 kamar yanda mazan ma suke so😆 sai a kula.
5-Gidan aure fadar mata ne,(inda suke shimfida sarautarsu)👰👑 kar mu nemi kawo musu tarnaki🙇 sai gida ya 6aci🙈.

6-Maza kar ka hada kanka da dangin matarka a wajan matsayi, hakan ka'iya jawo matsala ga rayuwar auran ka.❌

7-Allah ya halicci mata a karkace🆗 ka iya lalla6awa wajan gyara ta.kar kai amfani da karfi sai a sami matsala.☀
8-Mata na da yawan mantuwa da kuma butulci. Kar ka damu da hakan.idan wataran ta munan ta ma🙊🔥to wataran za ta faranta maka🍹🍝🍍🍒
9-Hakika mata suna da rauni.(hakan yasa aka sauwake musu wasu ibadu...) to ka zamo mai taushin hali da saukakawa ga reta🐇🌺a yayin raunin ta.🙍 10-Ka sani mace tamkar ribatacciya ce a gareka.to ka zamo mai jin kai ga ribataccenka tare da kau da kai abisa raunin ta, sai ta za mo baiwarka 👼👂🙏. Allah ya hada kowa da nagari💏💎🐇💐
9 years ago
Love comes to those who still hope after disappointment,who still believe after betrayal,and who still love after they've been hurt
9 years ago
Wife: Why do you treat me so nicely?

Husband: "The best among you are the ones who are best towards their wives."

Wife: Subhan'Allah! Because you are never foul to me.

Husband: "Nobody treats a woman poorly than a disgraceful man."

Wife: Wow! You spend more time on me than others things to.

Husband: "Marriage is 50% of the Deen."

Wife: Really? You are easier on me too.

Husband: "The woman was created from a rib; try to straighten it, it will break. So it's better to enjoy you in spite of this crookedness, because that's when you shine the most."

Wife: Masha'Allah! Do you respond to everything with a hadith?

Husband: Well I can't now!

9 years ago
اسلام عليكم ورحمته الله وبركاته
جمعه مبارك لك

Just Smile

Good Morning - Friendship is the breathing rose...

Very little is needed to have a happy Life.
it is all within yourself.
in ur ways of thinking.
No matter what u do,
do it with L0VE in ur HEART,

Good morning
Have a joyful day
Jumma mubarak
Take care

9 years ago
Pls i'm sorry 4 nt callin u today because my
iphone had a problem and my ipad battery
is dead, my sister is with my Samsung
galaxy note-3. Am just alone here @ home
since my parents traveled to Germany. I
would have skyped with you but I misplaced
my apple laptop power- pack so I have to
hit S.A later this week to get a new one. I
wanted visiting the mall tonight but my
Aunt went out with my Bugatti, and my
elder brother is out with the Range Rover,
the Toyota Highlander had a little problem,
the tyre of the Honda CRV is flat and I hate
driving the Lexus jeep @ night. I tried calling
the driver to come pick me with mum's
Ferrari but no credit... Can u please send
me MTN credit of #100... so I can call him?
=))=)) ;()
9 years ago
*** MAI RUQIYYA***Wani mai ruqiyya ne zai cirema wata aljanin da ya zaunar da ita, akariketa.Bayan ya karanto ayoyi masu zafi, sai aljaninyace ''wayyo kana qona ni''sai malamin yace ''to meyasa ka shiga jikinta? ''sai yace ''zan taimaketane''yace wane irin taimako bayan cutar da ita kake''sai yace inaso in taimaka mata ne taci gasarnaira miliyan ashirin na WHO WANT TO BE AMILLONAIRE.Sai malamin yayi qasa qasa da muryayace,''to fita daga jikinta ka dawo jikina''Don't laugh....... Just smile...... Aha i knw u will....
9 years ago
A funny conversation between a man andhis daughter:The Girl said: Dad, I’m in love with a boy who is far away from me, even though I am here in Nigeria and he lives in London. We met on a dating website, became friends on Facebook,had long chats onwhatsapp, he proposed to me on skype, and nowwe have had 2 months of relationshipthrough Viber.I need your blessings and good wishes,daddy. Her Dad replied: Wow! Really!! Noproblem, then get married on twitter,have fun on tango, buyyour kids on e-bay, receive them throughgmail and if you are fed up with your husband sell him on OLX.Stupid girl!!!
9 years ago
9 years ago
Akwai wani mutum mai sana'ar kama kifi, ko da
yaushe kifi ne abincinsa da iyalinsa
wata rana ya fita ya kamo kifi ya kawo gida a
soya kamar yanda ya saba, bayan uwar gida ta
yanka kifin nan sai ta ga abin mamaki a cikin
kifin. Ba wani abu ba ne face Dunkulallen Gwal
mai kyau,
nan da nan ta sanar da mai gida, shi kuwa yai
murna domin talauci ya kare.
Ya dauki wannan gwal ya kaiwa wani
hamshakin mai kudi domin ya siya amma ya ce
"ai in da zan baka kaf dukiya ta to ban biya ka
kudin wannan gwal din ba" don haka ka kaiwa
mai gari.
Ya tafi wajen mai gari shi ma ya ce gaba daya
dukiyarsa da kadararsa ba za su sayi wannan
gwal ba, sai dai a kaiwa sarki.
Mutumin nan ya kaiwa sarki, shi ma sarki ya ce
ba zai iya biya ba, amma abin da za a yi za a
budewa mai kifin nan taskar sarki, a bashi awa
10 yai ta diban duk abin da yake so.
Mutumin ya ce Ranka ya dade awa 10 ai ta yi
yawa, ai ko awa 1 ma ya isa, sarki ya ce a a ka
dai yi awa 10.
Aka budewa mai Su taskar sarki ya shiga,
shigarsa ke da wuya sai ya ga duk wani abu da
yake bukata na rayuwa akwai shi a ciki
ya duba gefe sai ya ga wani abinci mai rai da
lafiya, sai ya zauna ya kwashi girki,
bayan ya ci ya koshi, sai ya ga wani gado mai
laushi wanda bai taba ganin irinsa ba tunda
yake, sai ya ce
Bari na dan kwanta na huta sai in tashi in debi
abin da nake so.
Yana cikin barcin ne ya ji fadawa suna buga
kofa suna cewa ka fito awa 10 ta cika.
Ya tashi a firgice ya ce don Allah a taimaka
masa, wallahi bai dau komai ba
fadawa suka ce lallai sai ya fita lokacin sa ya
Haka ya fita, ba gwal kuma bai debo komai ba.
*To wannan mutumin shi ne DAN ADAM, gwal
din nan kuwa shi ne RAI, ita kuma wannan
taskar ita ce DUNIYA, awa 10 nan kuwa shi ne
lokacin da aka debarwa mutum a rayuwarsa ta
Don haka 'yan uwa mu dage mu yi abin da ya
kawo mu duniya (Bautawa Allah), kada mu
kwanta bacci har lokacin mutuwa ya yi baka
aikata komai ba.
Allah ya sa mu daceSalam, a yaweita addua dan neman
9 years ago
Words can hurt others, but sometimes, silence hurts even more than words."@ khadija 16ct
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