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8 years ago

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8 years ago
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For a long time Anshl's soul pined for melancholy for other, wide and free world, he waking or sleeping dreamed of beauty and expanse of big cities. But since then as he became the groom of this zelenoliky girl from a well-born family, he vowed to himself that now after a wedding as soon as it a little is exempted from fatherly guardianship, it will leave to beautiful Bucharest and will heal there with might and main as god ordered … Now, when it was necessary for destiny that it got to magnificent Bucharest to a wedding and came to be at liberty without any supervision, besides still in cash, - to it, as they say, and cards in hands.
WHERE CAN I GET FAST MONEY - GOVERNMENT FREE MONEY GRANTS - GIVE ME FREE MONEY - HOW TO MAKE MONEY SUPER FAST - EASY MONEY EMGSEND MONEY TO USA "My God Jesus, - said a man's voice, - well who could think, what I will meet you here? " I turned back and at once recognized speaking on his dirty white satin jacket: it was my former assistant, John Overberi. A year ago it left service of me and found to itself(himself) (if to trust his speeches) the best owner. I knew it also as gloomy and suspicious small, very inclined to malignant gossip.
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