mk4440  danh sách khách của bạn (4) Nhận xét

10 years ago

Have a nice day

Take Care

If LOVE is sweet why does it Hurt,
If love is Deep why does it Burn,
If love is Warm why do we Shiver,
If love is Tender why do we Cry,
If love is Forever why do we Die.
Have a good day friend
Take care

10 years ago
wishing all my friends a happy valentines...God bless u all.
10 years ago

Good night

Lonely Angel

Silence is the fence around wisdom!
If your foot slips,
You can always regain your balance.
But if your tongue slips,
You can never recall the words…
So think before saying anything in anger.
Goodnight friend
Have a sweet night
Take care

10 years ago
9ice pics
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