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Last login: 10 years ago
Skinner since: 14 years ago
Country/Area: 3ŋάwΨά
Gender: Female
Age: 30

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Relation: Is a Secret
Occupation: t3tнЄβ
Companies: Şό0όό0όŋ
I Like: mό0όℓάt, fό0όŋάt
I Hate: أكره, الغلسين, و, الخونه, و, إلي, يرمسون, من, ورآي
Favorite Music: яό0όmάŋt
Favorite Movies: яό0όmάŋt, άŋđ, Şcάяđ
Favorite Books: القرآن, الكريم
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8 years ago

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10 years ago
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10 years ago
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